Photo my Marcel T. |
On my walk today, I saw how fall is leaning into winter, how the changing seasons lead to endings and from
those endings comes new life and new beginnings.
Death can do that. Death can make people come alive and bring new beginnings. This
may sound like a strange statement to make but I’ve witnessed it
in my own life and in the many stories clients have shared with me over the
years. Death has the power to awaken life.
The death of someone close and dear to us cuts us off at the
knees, leaves us gasping for our next breath and grappling with how to keep
moving forward in a world that keeps spinning around us when our own seems to
have come to a halt.
At first, we barely manage to go through the motions but
eventually strength comes from God knows where, and we manage to stumble our
way through the days with some kind of semblance of having reappeared in the so
called “normal” world.
Only we know there is no such thing as normal and we no
longer are who we once were. We are different. We have been thrown face first
into the intensity of the present moment and the pain and heaviness it carries.
The superfluous falls away and is replaced with a deepening
of the soul that I can only describe as a need to cut the bullshit. A thirst
for what is important, for what matters, for understanding, for truth and a
need to sink our teeth into life as it unfolds. In this way, death can and
often does make people come alive.
It makes us, as Elie Wiesel, a Romanian-born American Jewish
writer and Holocaust survivor said, “think higher and feel deeper.” To think
higher and feel deeper, whether we are touched by the death of a loved one or
not, is something that all of us need to aspire every day to do.
Drop judgments, put a stop to gossip, do away with apathy,
blame, discrimination of yourself and others or numbing with drugs, alcohol, or food in order not to feel. Why
not dive head first into the life we are
fortunate to have? Why not think higher, feel deeper and listen to what is trying to come alive.