Mission Creek Greenway. That was our ride today. It was familiar territory for me. I did that ride often when I lived in Kelowna and I enjoyed it again today. It was a beautiful, sunny, hot, 27 degree kind of day, of memories of nurturing things I used to enjoy when I lived here, one being this stunning long-stretch of linear trail that runs 16.5 km. along Mission Creek.
One of the bridges to cross over to the other side of the creek. There's a long stretch where there's a pathway on each side of the creek. |
It doesn't matter what time of day you go there, there's always people of all ages either walking, running, hiking or biking on the paths. This creek is the largest tributary to Okanagan Lake. A lot of water flows through there.In the spring this creek is like a roaring river but in the fall it's a much more gentle soul.
Still a strong current even though a lot of rocks are showing. It's crystal clear water. |
There was four of us on today's ride. We parked at one end of the Greenway and biked to the other end, had lunch at Creekside Pub outside patio. Then we mounted up again and biked back to our vehicles.
This part has always been my favorite part of the pathway. |
After doing 120 km or so in the past few days, my "derriere" is rather tender in some places. Even sitting in my SUV doesn't feel all that comfortable. But, it looks like the Penticton to OK Falls ride planned for tomorrow is not going to happen. Some of the riders are saying there's a possibility of rain tomorrow, although I haven't seen it in the forecast. I think it's more likely that these retired people are feeling the need to get on with their lives, which I understand and is okay too. Even though I hate to see this end, I'm kind of feeling like I should get on with my life as well since I'm not even retire yet.
A spot where I often sat to journal when I lived there. |
Work emails and calls are piling up and it's kind of difficult to take care of business on a bike. So I'll start making my way back tomorrow. I'm not planning to leave early and I will take my time. There's a couple of pit stops I want to make along the way so I'll see how it goes. More than likely I will stop and catch some sleep somewhere along the way.
A blue heron on the edge of the lake in front of my sister's house. |
Tonight, I had dinner with my friend who is also one of my writing group people. Jackie is the one who opened up the evening at my Kelowna book launch by introducing me to the people, and her husband and his fiend were the musicians. It was a nice finish to my day.
And here's how I'd like to finish my blog this evening. With a quote by Leonardo da Vinci.
"When you put your hand in a flowing stream, you touch the last that has gone before and the first of what is still to come." I did that today when I knelt by the creek at the end of my ride.