Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Little Free Library

For at least three years now I've wanted to set up a free library in my yard but it was a dream that always got put on the back burner due to financial reasons. Meaning spare funds always went to another cause. 

This year I finally got this project off the ground. Hired a handyman to build it. I sanded it down. Andree and I stained it. My handyman came back to help me dig a hole and install it. I made a pathway for people to access it. I filled it with 45 books. The newspaper guy came to do a story on it. And there it is. Another dream realized.

Then I wanted to take it a step further. So, I got the library registered with it's own charter number and I finally got it in the mail the other day and now the town of Donnelly is on the world map of little free libraries.

As of the writing of this post, it's still not showing up but it should be active within the next 24 to 48 hours or so. Check it out see if it works. Just click on the above World Map link. Then click on Charter Number at the far right on the top bar. Enter the charter number 77838 and you should see it.

On another note.

OMG! My spirit was totally rejuvenated today. Sun worshiper, Andree calls me. She's right. I had to work in the early morning but the minute I was done, I spent the rest of the day outside. Put some outside stuff away, pulled some carrots and potatoes from the garden. Went for a long walk. Then mowed all the lawn. By the end of the day, my Fitbit said 16,500 steps or 10.5 km.   

Met this furry little creature on my walk down the dirt road by the canal. And when I was cutting the grass, to my total surprise, I found this little snap dragon flower by the edge of the house. I think they were just as glad as I was to see the sunshine. It's the little things that warm my heart.  


  1. These little free libraries are such sweet ideas! Maybe next time Bev leaves here I'll send some books to donate ...

  2. That would be awesome Kate! Thank you.
