Sunday, 26 April 2015

Book Club Night

And what a night it was! I thought I would be there for an hour or so. Wrong. I arrived at 7 pm with an open mind but no idea what to expect. I left at 11:30 pm with my heart full and my head spinning with the discussions and comments from the evening.

The women, most of whom had read my book and a few who hadn't yet, were honoured that I was attending their discussion night. They had many questions about the life issues my book touches on, my journey and my process and they spoke about what it had awakened or touched in them.

It was a huge blessing to witness first hand that the book is doing what I hoped it would do. It is bringing readers to a place of inner reflection, a place where it is okay to speak openly, to be vulnerable, share, discuss, acknowledge and accept one another wherever we are at on our journey.

What an experience it was to walk into a room full of strangers and to leave a few hours later giving everyone a genuine heart felt hug as a result of having lived a deep inner connection that brought us together as One. A truly rewarding experience that I hold close to my heart and feel very fortunate to have had.

One of the comments I received the next day was that it was one of the best book club nights the women ever had and that I had touched quite a few hearts that night. And for that I am grateful and I say, thank you.

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