Monday, 20 April 2015


I know I've pushed it too far when it hurts to pick up my pen or peck away at the keyboard. Crazy me. I don't know when to stop. When the nice weather rolls around I want to stay outside and I go a little crazy.

Been nice for two days. I've been digging, raking, cutting, pruning, weeding, mowing with a push mower, and hoeing to prepare a garden area.

As if I don't have enough of my stuff, I also took on the job of doing my neighbors yard work as well. Helps supplement the income when things slow down at the office.

If it rains every week I might not be able to keep up with the grass and the weeds. The good thing is it might help me lose a little weight doing all that moving instead of sitting at a computer or in a counselling chair all day but might also be a little too hard on this old body. I'll see how it goes.

It was a smashing day as far as the weather goes. Wind died right down to nothing. It felt so relaxing after having had that wind blow us around for the past couple of weeks. Right now I'm sitting outside of my deck and I can hear the birds singing and almost taste the silence, it's so quiet. What a difference it makes not to fight with the wind.

Yesterday was a beautiful day too. I quit my outside work around 4:30 pm because we were invited out for supper. A belated birthday supper at Edith, Jeannine and Pauline. It was a great supper and a great evening shared with good friends.

Jeannine cooked some of my favorites. A BBQ steak, baked potato, salad, and corn on the cob. Finished off with chocolate cake and ice cream. I rode my bike the 8 km there but couldn't ride it back since we played cards for 2 hours after supper and by then it was too dark to pedal my ass home.

After eating a meal like that I should have pedaled further and longer than it took me to get there but it's a nasty highway to be biking on if it's not broad daylight.

Just after supper and before dessert they gave me a beautiful meaningful card and gift. On the gift box it said: Yuppie! I found my voice!

I couldn't imagine what was inside but when I opened it I found a gorgeous little silver figurine about 6 inches high with her arms up in the air indicating she is all pumped up about something and celebrating her success. I just love it!

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