Tuesday 24 November 2015

All In A Day's Work

It's been another busy day at work. Some pretty serious cases that are challenging to say the least and have me put all my skills to use that's for sure.

The day flew by and except for one hour for supper and one hour of yoga my evening was pretty much taken up with client files and paper work.

I love my job but I wish the day was over when I walk out of the office. I'd rather be writing or reading a book instead of sitting at the desk doing the part of my work I don't enjoy so much.

Yesterday, when I was on my way back from the pool, a huge deer with a one of the biggest racks I've ever seen was standing on the edge of the road almost close enough for me to kiss him. What a beauty he was and how fortunate we both are that he didn't decide to step over the yellow line as I went past him down the highway.

A few miles later, a red fox with a big bushy tail came dashing across the road in front of me and he too was a real beauty.

The animal cards talk about how the deer is there to teach us to use the power of gentleness to touch the hearts and minds of wounded beings. Hmm...kind of what I do in my work all day isn't it?

The fox they say, has the ability to observe undetected, without making others self-conscious. Hmmm...isn't that what I do too?

And it goes on to say that Fox medicine teaches the art of Oneness. Isn't that what I wrote about in my book?

I think the Universe, the animals were trying to speak to me yesterday.

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