Monday 28 March 2016

Families Are Made of This

Looks like meditation and the practice of sitting runs in the family all the way down to the grandchildren. Little Jesse even has the thumb and forefinger in the "gian mudra" position. Another little Buddha in the making. Love her very own personalized choice of meditative cushion or space.

Part of the plan this weekend was for these 3 sisters to get together and have a good time watching the movie "Sisters" but it looks like they had a hard time getting it together before the movie even started. Warmed my heart when I saw this prize photo of the three of them sharing some good belly laughs together. Love it!

Some of Andree's family, along with our friend Marcel joined us for a pot luck Easter supper at our house. It was a good time had by all. Good supper, good chats, a few card games, and some good laughs here too. Marcel, bless his heart, showed up with an arm full of pussy willows that we were able to make several displays with.

We made a huge one that I decided to put out by the front door along with my rocker bench I brought out from the storage shed. The idea was to invite the spring time weather to stay. From now on it might just be the snow on the ground that we have to deal with. I think we might be done with fresh snow coming down. At least I hope so.

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