Wednesday 15 February 2017

Valentine's Baby

Tonight, I sit and reflect how 16 years ago, on Valentines Day, my first grandchild, and first grandson, was born.

Sixteen years ago, I had more time, or perhaps it was more energy, than I do now. I started writing letters to my grandchild the day I found out my daughter was pregnant. I am posting here tonight, the letter I wrote a couple of days after he was born.

Friday, February 16, 2001, 9:30 am

Dear Grandson Cole:

Here I am sitting beside you while your mom and dad are taking a nap. It’s been an eventful few days but well worth it, that’s for sure. 

You’re here! You arrived 2 days ago, on February 14th. What a beautiful Valentine’s present for everyone. Beats all the flowers and chocolates of a regular Valentine’s Day. You chose one of the stormiest days of this winter to make your arrival. It was somewhere around minus 20 with a strong north wind and blowing and drifting snow. None of this mattered a darn bit to you. You were ready and you were coming.

Right now, you’re all wrapped up in little blankets and lying on the couch while I’m sitting at the coffee table in front of you writing this letter. Your dad and Friskie, the cat, are snoring away on the next couch, and your mom is having a well-deserved rest in bed. Hopefully they will get a good sound sleep while I’m here to help out.

I couldn’t wait for the day you would arrive. It seemed like the day would never come and now that you're here, it’s hard to believe you are. It all happened so fast. You woke your mom at about 5 am and she called me at 7:30 to give me the news you were on the way. 

I got to your place around 8:30 thinking I would stay and help out as much as I could until the midwife arrived. By the time, she pulled up the drive, it was 10:30 am. When I asked your mom if she wanted me to stay, or go, and come back later, she asked that I stay, and that’s how it came about that, two hours later, at 12.35 pm, I witness you coming into the world. 

To see the look on your parent’s face when you arrived and when you were placed on your mother’s tummy, was priceless. I wish I would have had a camera to record this for you but there was too much going on and everyone was caught up with just living the moment. We couldn't believe that you were finally here and the miracle of birth that had just taken place. 

As soon as you were born you curled yourself up bringing your knees up to your tummy and a warm towel was draped over you. Your mom held you on her stomach and kept saying, “My baby, my baby, I had a baby,” while your dad kept looking you over making sure you were all right. 

There was a few minutes where the two midwives, myself, and your mom and dad were breathing sighs of relief that you were here and everything had gone well. But, all this time a big question was still floating around unanswered. 

It wasn’t until the mid-wife, Kathy, said, “Who will do the honors; should we find out?” that your mom got a huge look of surprise on her face and blurted out: “Oh my God, we don’t even know what it is!” A quick check revealed the big news, and your mom exclaimed, “It’s a boy!"  

You’re such a good baby so far. We hardly ever hear you. I don’t think you’ve even had a real cry yet. Tonight, your two aunties, Jody and Brenda, are driving from Calgary to come to meet you and I know they are super anxious to get here.

So, it’s true. I’m an official grandma now. It’s been quite the day and I feel privileged that I was here to experience it. I look forward to having many happy hours spent in your company.

Here he is having a birthday breakfast with his mom at the High Level Dinner

Happy Birthday Cole

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