Sunday 4 October 2015

My Days' Meanderings

Let's see. What did I do today?

I fed Pumpkin. That's always the first call of the day. Read my meditations from the two books I work with everyday. Helped my honey (a little) prepare breakfast for our guests who stayed overnight. Visited with them for a while. then I went outside.

I moved the biggest of our two fire pits to the back of the shed where it won't be in the way for this coming winter's snow blowing, shoveling days. I left the little fire pit there for now, just in case I get the hankering for a few more toast on the campfire kind of breakfast or midnight snack before bed. Then I brought some fire wood in the house for the chilly nights that are sneaking around the corner.

I sold a car. (Yes, that's what I said.) Took a ride to McLennan to return an item to the Home Hardware store and visited with company some more over lunch at the Connection Coffee Shop. Once the company were on their way home, Andree and I hopped in our vehicle to go visit some friends in Falher for an hour or two.

Came home and started to attack the leaves at the neighbors as part of the maintenance and care for their yard for which I took a contract for. Stayed out working until darkness descended upon me and forced me in the house.

Sat down for dinner, once more prepared by my honey, then started to work on my meditation writing which I also do every night. Answered my emails. Made popcorn. Soaked in the tub. And now here I am, making an entry before I retire to bed to do some reading in the new book I just downloaded on my Kindle.

But first, let me introduce you to my youngest grandchild, Mr. Finnley Oliver Shaw. He's a real growing concern and a photogenic little man that one.

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