Friday 22 July 2016

Uncle Victor

At 2 pm tomorrow afternoon it is uncle Victor's funeral. Victor was the youngest of the family - the one I refer to in my book as the miracle baby because of his unusual conception and birth weight of a little less than 2 lbs back in January of 1934. He was the only relative I had left out of all my aunts and uncles on either side.

At the time of his birth, Victor was placed in a shoe box on the oven door of the wood stove which acted as a make shift incubator for him. Nothing short of a miracle for sure, especially in that day and age.

He was my favorite uncle because of the down to earth, authentic, no nonsense type of person he was. A good heart, good nature kind of man who was content with the simple things in life. I will always remember him for his genuine smile and boisterous belly laugh which could change the energy in a room in a matter of minutes.

Born: January 29, 1934
Death: July 16, 2016


  1. Uncle Victor sounds like the kind of person it would be a pleasure to know.

    1. Thank you Kate. I'm sure you would have loved the man.
