Sunday 9 August 2015

What Could Be Better?

Yesterday, I rode my bike to the town of Guy (18km). Andree met me there and I loaded up my bike on the SUV. Then we drove to Five Star Golf Course.

Nope! I'm not a golf nut. Went to relax, write, sit by the river, go out for their special Hawaiian supper, then join the gang on the beach for an open fire and the 11 pm fireworks. It was fun.

We had planned to spend the night but in the end decided us two old ladies preferred sleeping in our own bed. By 12:30 we were under the covers and reading our books.

While I was there I sat by the Smoky River and wrote in my journal. Stuck my feet in the water and picked rocks.

And what a gorgeous day today. too. We have to appreciate those beautiful days while they last. Likely not too many of them left on the calendar this year.

This morning I had breakfast outside on the back deck as usual then settled down to write a letter to a couple of friends. After lunch I rode my bike to Falher (8km), so I could take a friend out and about in her wheelchair.

Went grocery shopping. Came home, pulled some fresh potatoes and beans out of the garden, barbecued a delicious steak and had a corn on the cob for dessert.

Should have walked 10 miles after that meal but I didn't. I did some social media stuff instead. Man that stuff can sure eat up your time in a hurry.

Once done with that computer stuff I made friends with our backyard squirrel. Cute little bugger he is! He ate his fill too after the treat I left him.

Gratitude for all these things and the ability to enjoy them. Much gratitude!

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